Hello Everyone <3
It’s finally December and my schedule is full packed with study-work and… work (I got a new job guys! ^_^). I have exams coming up in January so I’m trying to prepare for it while going to classes and working at my new job. I’m enjoying christmas as much as I can though ^_^ I’m excited for the holiday so I can get into some more christmas spirit cause right now I’m kinda a little stressed out.
For the first time I got my own christmas tree for my apartment and I love it! I usually just decorate a little at my own apartment and wait to decorate back home with the family but this time it’s different: I have a christmas tree at my own place and I want to decorate a little bit more than what I usually do :-D
Since I’m celebrating christmas at my parent’s place; We have already decorated the christmas tree at my place so I can enjoy it over here until the holiday! <3 :D I hope you’re all into the christmas spirit and enjoying the last month of 2015!! ^_^ <3