Hello guys! <3
I finally have the last blogpost for the Malmö-Journey ready xD I’m sorry it took so long. I’ve been so busy and caught up with life and also I’m trying to find a balance with blog, youtube, social media, work, taking care of myself etc. so I haven’t been that good with updating consistently as I would like to. Bare with me.. I’m working on it ;)
To be honest, I’ve been a little lost with the blog and youtube; Like I dont really know where I wanna go with this and what I wanna do exactly. I guess it’s kinda like an “identity crisis” xD You know we change all the time and we learn new things about ourselves and life all the time, and I would love for the blog to show that change and growth as well, but I’m not sure how yet :P
Anyhow: Let’s talk about Malmö! Malmö was good to us and the surprise party was a success as well! The next day we did some selfcare and we were just chilling. We got to take some photos before going home again that I wanted to share and end the Malmö Journey on the blog as well. It was an amazing trip and so relaxing!