Hello guys!
Today has been a very laid back chill day and yet kinda spontaneous as well. I started my day off with meditation and journaling. Then I made myself a delicious breakfast and smoothie (nothing fancy tho). After that I started cleaning around the apartment and then I got to clean my makeup brushes as well. Oh! I also started watching a new K-drama yesterday actually so I got to watch a little bit more of that. I also did uploade a video this morning since I didn’t get to do it Thursday.
After all that I was just chilling and looking around and didn’t really have much to do. There was no point in shooting new videos today since I have so many that have to be edited so I felt kinda stuck and I also needed some inspiration I felt like. I was talking to my sister and parents and they were like “just come home” and at first I was like “naah” but then I decided to go to my parents place anyways :P
So I packed and took the next train and got here at my parents place and it felt good. After being here for 7 weeks (quarantine) I kinda missed chilling here again so it felt so good to be back :P Here at home I got a Goodiebox and Asos package waiting for me so I kinda felt like a kid opening gifts for Christmas or birthday again :P But yeah I’m back at my parents’s place and I love it! I also got to take some pictures during the day that I thought I would share with you guys:

Trying out a new SPF:

Going back to my parents’ place:

ASOS package (there will be more detailed pictures of this in another post) ^^

Experimenting a little with photography (just for fun):