What I’ve Been Eating // Lunch Ideas // LifeStyle

Hello guys!

While I’ve been stuck with work the last few weeks I got to take some photos of what I’ve been eating lately. I’m not the healthiest person on earth, and I’m not trying to be… cause I love food :-P But but.. If I have to keep going with my schedule then I need energy and I realized that healthy food actually kinda helps -.- *surprise*. So I’ve been working out and eating healthier than usual. I do have my cheat-days and days where I eat out but I try to eat as healthy as I can without being too strict with rules. :)

Some of the days I go straight home after work and other days I go to a café to chill with blogging stuff and planning and eating. It feels good to spend some time alone and hanging out with myself (as depressing as it sounds.. :-P) I actually enjoy it a lot ^_^

Chilling at Joe & The Juice: keeping it a little healthy:
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My snack for work:
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Breakfast: Omelete, apple and orange juice:
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Some more snack for work:
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Packing lunch and making breakfast looks like this in the morning:
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Some more veggies:
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Pasta: So I usually don’t like cooking, so this is what I do:
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But I think I will start to cook some more and learn a little bit more. It’s actually getting a little interesting to spend time in the kitchen than usual :D 
Chilling at Baresso:
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And that’s it guys! I hope that this inspire you guys to eat healthier or to have an idea of what to bring for lunch maybe :-P 
Since it’s Sunday I’m just chilling at home; I went for some shopping earlier and I guess I’ll just be reading a book now :-) Hope you’re all good! <3 

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