Hello guys!
I know that a lot of us are bored and maybe also uninspired to do things when we need to do social distancing and “isolate ourselves” (for good valid reasons! And you guys should definitely stay home and stay safe! <3). But I thought I would try to make a list of things to do. Some of the things are some I do for myself already and others are things I want to do/practice these days:
- Meditation
- Workout/Yoga
- Read a book
- FaceTime your friends and family –> Catch up!
- Open the windows. Get some fresh air: Go for a walk (distance yourself from others at the same time)
- Draw/paint, do some DIY
- Puzzles! (totally inspired my Ellen Degeneres’s Instagram xD)
- Clean your home! And do some decluttering! It’s time guys..
- Learn to cook or learn another new skill that you’ve always wanted to learn! There are a bunch of courses on the internet!
- You can finally watch the movies you’ve wanted to watch for so long or binge watch a series you’ve been wanting to! Or do a movie marathon! You can actually watch Netflix with friends through Chrome: Netflix Party: Then you can chat with friends while watching a movie together! :P
The best thing you can do at a time like this in my opinion is being more mindfull and practice gratitude. Things might be tough right now but don’t forget all the good things you already have in life. Stay positive and take care <3