Hi guys,
The other day I decided to buy some Danish books because I feel like my Danish is getting worse for everyday even though I’m born in Denmark :P At work we do mix Danish and English together but just in general I haven’t felt that my Danish is good enough and I really want to improve it or at least maintain the language somehow properly :P So I decided to buy some Danish books. To be honest; I dont remember when I last bought a Danish book. All the books I’ve bought so far is in English. I don’t think I own any Danish books that are not University related actually. Oh god.. yeah I don’t own a Danish none-university book at all. Only a cook book -.-‘ fml
As you guys already know I’m into mindfullness, spirituality, lifestyle, self-development and psychology stuff, so I decided to find books in those topics and I found these three books that I’m really excited about and I cant wait to get started with these (I already started with “Energi” and it is really good so far):