Hi guys!
It’s Friday and I’ve been doing nothing after work today. Or that would be a lie maybe. We went for some grocery shopping, cooked some easy dinner and actually made a very easy cake, but beside that I’ve been relaxing, lying on the couch and doing some planning for the weekend. I wanna see if I can get started with some content for youtube again and also try to experiment with some photography stuff. Today I got to take some pictures of a few details at our home and beside that I also got to take photos of the sky and nature of course as usual. I know it’s pretty much the same every time but not 100% and the view and the sky just makes me so happy so I end up always taking pictures of it. Also I just realized I have a bunch of books and I’m like so behind with reading all the books I have so I better get started with reading this year! Now let me show you some details of the apartment, my book collection that I’m not finished reading at all, the sky and some selfies stuff: