I choose to be Happy // New Look!

Hi guys..! :D
Well, since I’m busy with exams and work I get stressed out easily in NO time. So I kinda felt like I needed a change. I don’t have TIME to go for a vacation or break or anything so I just decided to cut my hair instead XD *You know… something drastic yet not so drastic since the hair is gonna grow back again anyways :-P*
At first I was scared but I’m soooooo happy that I did now! :D It’s not like I haven’t cut my hair a bunch of time before, and I usually dont really care, but this time I was really a little nervous that I would regret it ^_^”

Anyways now I’m back with a “new look” or just shorter hair :-P Let me show you:

2016-01-24 02.02.04-2
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When mom or dad is calling while I try to take photos:
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I’m thinking if I should dye the hair again OR give the hair some more structure, but I haven’t decided yet, so I’m just gonna go with this until I figure it out :-P 
That’s it for today! Take Care <3 ^_^