Hello 2017!

Hello guys <3

As a university student I feel like the new year first starts in February since we are all caught up with exams so there is kinda no time for “new year, new me”-stuff. Basically every January my life gets more unorganized with either too much food or no food, no sleep, and almost no communication with the outer world -.- I know… what a great way to start 2017, right?

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2016 has been good to me; it was kinda average I mean it wasn’t totally bad or totally awesome. It was ok. With that said; there are a few things I want to change this year though :)

I have a few goals and changes towards my life and our blog as well. Usually I dislike putting the blog into categories because I just want it to ba a platform to express myself but I think I finally understood what kind of a “genre” that is (Yup, I made some research!). It says on the internet that blogging about ones interests and just life; it can be whatever: beauty, fashion, life and vlogging is more of a “lifestyle blog”. That, I did not know until now. That is kinda obvious but I actually thought lifestyle blog was about being healthy and that is not really my area to talk about, cause I’m not the healthiest person on earth at all.

Anyhow… It’s 2017 and I’m finally ready to put 2016 behind me and to look forward. I want the content for the blog to be a little bit more informative this year and also I’m working on my photography skills; they are not the best so far, but I’m working on it. That is my first new year’s resolution

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My second one is living a much more healthier life. I don’t like rules so I won’t go on any diets or tell myself to not eat chocolate or drink soda, cause I love soda, chocolate and junk food. But there’s going to be less of those this year so that I can be sure I’m healthy inside and out. I want to learn to cook simple meals and workout a lot more!

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Anoter resolution of mine would be spending money wisely; I love shopping and I love to spend money. But this year I wanna be extra careful and save up money so that I can travel a little this summer.

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One of the huge New Year’s resolution is being more stuctured! That is the biggest and challenging one. I have so much going on and I always feel like my life is a mess cause I have a lot of plans, lists and to-do’s. This year I wanna be more structured and organized! I want to work harder at my study-job, I want to study harder at uni and I wanna work harder on the blog and youtube channel!

With that said; I also want to spend time with my friends and family and make time for them!

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I guess those are my New Year’s resolutions for 2017. They are almost the same every year, month, week and day but it’s good to sum up and remind myself a few times and I guess also good to share with you guys; that might motivate a little extra and inspire a little extra!

Happy 2017 Everyone! <3 ^_^

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