Hello guys!
I try not to tell myself that I’m “old” now and try not to be too hard on myself because they do say it’s “just a number” BUT aaaah! I’m 26 now! It was my birthday on the 24th of October and it was an amazing day! I always thought that I would have my life together 110 % by now turning 26 but nope! I guess you never really have your life together because it doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would AND that is NOT a bad thing.
Growing up in a tamil community the younger me would have thought I would have finished my education by now, be working, have gotten married and maybe even have one or two kids. And at times I did sometimes feel like I failed in life and was a disappointment because I didn’t finish my education yet or get married and so on. Also I did feel pressured to graduate and settle down in life in general and it made me feel unmotivated to study and also just sometimes unhappy in general. Life didn’t turn out to be the way I thought it would be but you know what? I’m actually really happy it didn’t. We all have a certain way of thinking about how life SHOULD be, but if there’s one thing I have learned through these 26 years, it is that there are no specific kind of way our lives “SHOULD” be. I just want to embrace everything and appreciate all that I have got right now and I truly feel blessed and grateful for what I have right now. I think what I’m trying to say is that for the first time in my life, I don’t feel any pressure to live my life a certain way or be a certain way. I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be in life. It feels good. And the easiest part of feeling all this is that I DECIDED to feel this way and tell myself that THIS is actually how I want my life to be and I don’t want to be bothered about what other people might think or say. Anyway… I just wanted to put it out there and also share some personal thoughts on this birthday post :) Let me know if you get me on what I’m saying! I would love to know other perspectives on it.
With that said I had an amazing birthday with the people I love and it was good. I feel so blessed. I got surprised by friends, cake, presents and good food and I’m not complaining xD It was perfect! I got to celebrate on my birthday but then also last Friday with friends. And it was so much fun! I don’t think I got any good pictures from last Friday, but if I do find some I will post a new blogpost about Friday but I don’t think I have proper photos from yesterday though :P

Happy Birthday wonderful! :* I can totally relate to your thoughts. It took some time for me as well to accept and live a life on my own terms and not rush about anything. Age is really just a number. Life will happen the way it’s best for each one of us! Rock it ❤️
My best wishes! ?
Thank you so much Sofiii! Exactly. It’s so true <3
Thank you once again <3