Let’s do a life lately! I’m working a lot on myself lately beside working my a** off at my job. Things have been really hectic at work lately, so I was in a good routine but the last few weeks, I’ve only had the time to work. I haven’t done a life lately for the longest time so this one is gonna be long.
Life is good. I’m trying to get into routines but it has been tough after the summer vacation. So this life lately is photos from July and August. I still wanted to document it even though it isn’t the latest of the latest.
I’m trying not to be too hard on myself and at the same time I’m trying to work on myself and understand what is stopping me from being disciplined enough to stick to my goals. It was once not a struggle or challenge like it is lately.
Also if you havent noticed I’m so behind with my blogposts: I’m still not done with Prague or wedding posts either xD I am working on a better routine and more consistency! Bare with me <3 But the good news is that I have now planned all next week’s content and scheduled it, so they will automatically be posted! :D So I guess that’s a good start :D
A the end of July and beginning of August (I think) I was working out again all most every day. I could really tell a difference in my mood and energy level and it has been so good for me. They are going to close this gym that I go to and the other gym is further away.. I’m thinking abut doing home workout for some time when they close, but not sure yet.

As I told you, work has been pretty much my life lately. I love my job. I love learning, growing, evolving and getting out of my comfort zone and my job as an IT consultant helps me do that. But it is so important that I dont forget myself and that I take care of my mental health and physical health at the same time. I’m kinda struggling with that work-life balance. Working on it though :)

Some of the looks lately: (promise I’ll get better at taking pictures of outfit etc xD)

Wellness, Selfcare & Selflove
At the end of July and start of August I was really good at prioritizing self-care and self-love. I was getting fresh air, I got pedicure just for myself, I went out to cut my hair; not too much but just the ends, so it looked more healthy; I did journaling and planning properly. I was also meditating and reading. It was nice. It made me feel grounded. I need to get back to it again.

I haven’t been all healthy at the moment but I’m planning to go all in with eating healthy. I’ve been eating a mixture of healthy and unhealthy food as you can tell:

I’ve also spend time with family at home, playing cards and playing PS with Nisanth and I went to my friend’s daugther’s first birthday! It was cosy!

As you can tell life has been good and there has been more amazing moments beside this. This is just some of it. I’m working on myself and trying to find the work-life balance, and that is going to be my main focus in general, the next few weeks! :)