A few weeks ago, we went for some mini golf and then had dinner at Cinco (which I’ll cover in a separate post). We were celebrating our 2 year anniversary of being together. Last year, we went to Keyser Social for dinner, and this time we decided on Cinco, but first, we wanted a some sort of activity.
I’ve been to Camping twice before to play minigolf; once in Copenhagen for a project event and another time in Århus for a different project event. I thought it would be fun for the two of us to try it out together. It was fun and chill! It was nice to spend time together and do something different from our usual routine.
I underestimated Nisanth though. I’ve played mini golf a few times and thought I was decent at it… but I was terrible! I was disappointed in myself and Nisanth was better than I expected xD. I’m usually not a competitive person I feel like but when playing with Nisanth or family I sometimes can get competitive.
After mini golf, we played a game where you could choose between “new school” and “old school,” and then random questions would pop up, like: “What does LOL mean?” Some questions were very easy, while others left me completely clueless xD. In general, I’m terrible at games like this, and I usually hate playing them, but I gave it a chance, and it was fun!
We had a great time though! It was good for both of us to take a break from our everyday routine, especially since work has been taking up a lot of both of our time lately.